Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Mice And Mystics: The Heroes

These are the heroes from the board game Mice and Mystics by Plaid Hat Games designed by Jerry Hawthorne. The color schemes are standard, the look of each character based on their respective card artwork.

 I painted these over two years ago and finally managed to get photos of everything. Overall, considering these are only about 5/8 inch tall, I am satisfied with how they turned out. 

Starting on a new miniature paint job for my brother's Shadows over Camelot as soon as I find the time. 

Collin, the prince

Filch, the scamp

 Lily, the archer

Maginos, the mystic

Nez, the tinkerer

Tilda, the healer

1 comment:

  1. That is soo raw. WOW so good bro .. Can't wait to see my mini all done up !!!:D
