Thursday, February 20, 2014

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Mice & Mystics: RATS OFF TO YA!

I am steadily making progress. Seeing as I have never painted miniature I am happy with how they are turning out. I decided to complete 1 out of the 6 rats just to get an idea of how to paint the rest.

The dry brushing came out a little flat so hit it with a lighter brown highlight and maybe hit the armor with an ink wash to define the shadows. After the Rats are finished I only have the Centipede and Spider left in the enemy roster and then it is on to the Mice. 

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Mice & Mystics

Just picked up this game called Mice & Mystics that is a D&D style dungeon crawler where you play as warrior and magic casting mice!
The most exciting part of the entire game isn't the game at all, it's painting the miniatures!!

Just got it Friday and so far I have all of the roach enemies painted, all they need is maybe some highlights and a coat of satin varnish.

These are about the size of a nickel.

The rest of the minis have been given a primer and are ready for a base coat of paint and some dry brushing.

I look forward to posting more progress pics later this week given I have the free time.